What’s new¶
- “Fourth party copy” - dynafed can function as the active party for data distribution. This enables services without third party copy support (such as S3) to participate fully in the data distribution infrastructure.
Known Issues¶
- N/A
Installation methods¶
- deployment explained in the Dynafed setup guide
List of Artifacts¶
- CentOS-7 RPMS - in group applications/internet
- dynafed - Ultra-scalable dynamic system for federating HTTP-based storage resources
- dynafed-dmlite-frontend - dmlite plugin for dynafed
- dynafed-dmlite-plugin - dmlite plugin for dynafed
- dynafed-http-plugin - Http and WebDav plugin for dynafed
- dynafed-lfc-plugin - Logical File catalog (LFC) plugin for dynafed
- dynafed-private-devel - Development files for dynafed
- dynafed-tpc-gfal2 - Third party copy (TPC) scripts using gfal2 for dynafed